Becky Stacy
Becky Stacy
Nov 27, 2023

I'm a mom to 2. Both in their 20s so I know the fear you're feeling. This may be hard for you to hear, but you need to hear it bc it changed my life in a miraculous way. I've worried (I'm talking REALLY worried) about my children since they were born. Fear was at the forefront of every thought I had when it came to them. I reached my breaking point and knew I had to do something. I started rebuking the fear bc God tells us all they the Bible to NOT DO IT, that's its of the devil, and it literally does nothing but tear us up inside. What we think about and speak is what our reality IS. I don't even say, I "need" a miracle,or I "need" anything bc saying that one little word creates NEED. I changed it to " I hope" or any other positive word I can think of. If I get a negative thought, I rebuke it and I thank God for ALREADY answering my prayers bc he has. We just have to speak them into the seen from the unseen. The day he died on that cross we received every healing, every miracle, every answer to our prayers. Stop worrying. Begin turning God for his plan for your daughter. Wherever may come with her going or not, it's his plan. We can't see it bc his plans begin to be put into motion the moment we take our first breath. I can't tell you the miracles I've seen in my life bc I forced myself to stick to hope. I forced myself to think positive, even if I didn't believe it. I'd play the role out in my head and see the ending I hoped for. Over time, u began to see these beautiful miracles take place in mine and my loved ones lives. You never know, this may be happening bc it need to in order for her to get to the place God is taking her to next. She may get him here, realize he's not that great, and never end up going anywhere. It's crazy how God's will works out.i can look back on my life and see WHY certain things had to happen to get to where I am. I'm praying for you, my friend! You and your daughter! If you have any free time, look up Joel Osteen on Sirius radio or any media, really. Listen to one of his messages or podcasts each morning. You'll understand why once you start
I guarantee you'll start each day better off. I'm sure you prob know who he is. Lol. God's got you! Thank him for keeping her in his divine protection and switch those thoughts when you start to worry. It'll change your life! Best wishes!

Becky Stacy
Nov 27, 2023
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.