Jan Davis
Jan Davis
May 10, 2017

Prayer Request

Please I desperately need prayers for my daugther. She have been ill and missed a few days of work. She had been going in sick and staying over time. I also came down sick and was hospitalized and then that caused her to have to missed work for a week ...because of the hours she work she had no one to tend to her baby...usually that is what I do for her. She went to work this past Monday, but had to come home early...then Tuesday she was so sick she was not able to go having severe stomach problems that would not check up.

Well she always contact her job and let them know...they are required to send an email and leave voice mail...and someone will get back to you. Well last night around 11 pm...I heard her screaming and crying in distress...the job sent her email telling her she have been dropped otherwise let go. She is very distressed for this was her only means of supporting herself and child, no this. She have bills to pay...and we just don't know what she will do until another job comes along. I feel so bad for her. Her money also helped our household and now this.

Please pray for her, she is like having a nervous breakdown. I got to get her to pull it together. Please pray that they will hear her out and let her stay on...or that God will lead her to another job very soon. Please pray that she can calm down and get it together to think about what she need to do to make it. Pray for the people at the job too that maybe they will see in their heart to let her come back to her job. Thank you for reading this and thank you in advance for praying for my daugther Janay. I appreciate you all doing as such. God bless

Jan Davis
Mar 3, 2017

Prayer Request

I'm requesting prayers for peace in my community. I'm so tired of not being able to live in this city of Detroit in a peaceful manner with people hating on you bc you chose to keep to yourself.

It's just so sad you live in a world that have evil people that do stuff to you for no reason...bc they simply don't like you because you keep to yourself and not up in their face or them up in yours or hanging at your house ....sad you can't be neighbourly these days for fear of evil people right around you. All I know I want to be left alone and I want to live in peace. Asking God to fight my battles for me...funny how I thought I would not have any battles like with people in know why because I keep to myself ...especially when I see people I have nothing in common with and they are sneaky and their spirit don't feel right....I can't win for losing...I stay to myself and still hated on because I don't want to be in with some....I'm not into drugs, standing in the street passing the liquor bottle, don't smoke weed or do crack and don't care for the party life...not all loud and acting ignorant in the middle of the streets...that just not me....but if people are like that...that is them...I don't bother them and naw not trying to judge people just being truthful to how some are that live around me...they be who they are and I just want to be who I am without having negative stuff done to my home or old van...we have nothing in common, ok...I so wish they would not bother me bc I choose to live a different life from them...I just want peace and to be left alone...I can't say that heart is hurting for I just want peace in my home, peace on my block, just peace in life altogether...God help me to deal and not hold hate in my heart against those that do evilness to me....sometimes I be feeling that but don't want to be like that...praying God will fix this problem perhaps I can find a mediator to be a go between to talk with those that wish me harm or trying to sabotage things that belong to my home and my old van. Its the crackhead middle aged men down the street that have done things bc I don't want to be bothered with them.

Not only pray for me pray for this family the Taylors that they leave me alone and get off drugs and makes them do crazy stuff. I have no connection with these men whatsoever and that is the problem I believe for I don't want to be around them or give them money to supply their drug/alcohol habits. I have called the police numerous time over the 5 years I have live here. They cut wires in my van, try to break in my home, set vacant house next door to me on fire and made sure my house caught fire too...we could had got put in jail and now the other brothers are mad and doing sneaky stuff when I may leave my house...even have dump a lot of trash in my backyard, and tried to break in our vans...its just awful and I have not done nothing to them except trying to protect myself by calling the police. Sorry to be long I will hush up heart is heavy and feeling low...for I only want peace amongst my neighbors, that is all and leave us alone, for we not bother them or come that way period ...I will go the other way to avoid seeing any of this family...I run from drama when I see it...for I want peace.

Jan Davis
Jun 21, 2016

Prayer Request

Please I need many to agree with me in prayers with this situation I am dealing with. I'm so tired of the devil coming in trying to take my peace, ok. Its sad I live in Detroit and it seems no matter where I move there always got to be evil, sneaky people with addictions that makes them even more crazy.

I don't bother no one. I'm cautious to I be friendly with where I live. Because some people want to just get in your home and scope it out and break in and still your little stuff. So I'm not so trusting like I use to be when I was younger of people. Went through some negative mess and then God blessed me with wisdom and discernment and I use it ok.

My problem is being just a person that care about where I live and I want better. So I try to keep where I clean at and I adopted the vacant house next door to me. So I mow the grass, pick up litter and try to keep the middle aged crackhead men from down the street out of it. I don't feel safe knowing they may be up in there doing drugs. There was a hooker squatting there I was so glad when she left bringing all sorts of men up over there. Then the middle age crackhead men 3 doors down living with their momma, so they come to the house to do drugs. Then come out falling in my yard what have yah since we so close. I would try to keep them out. Putting up signs, calling the police, having a few yeah they don't like me. They don't like me so much that back in April 24th to be of them came down here and set the vacant house on fire and made sure they did it on the side closest to my house and the side of my house caught on fire! We could of died if I was not up and got myself, grandbaby and daugther out. So now I got like 18,000 worth of damage and no house insurance.

I can't believe someone would be as cold hearted to do that. They target us because we women and children here. From day one moving over here 4 years ago I have had problems with these 3 men begging for money, trying to flirt with me, trying to get up in my house. I felt their evil spirit and I was not having anything to do with them. At first I tried to be nice by giving a few dollars here and there but I see they on that stuff and I don't have money to be supplying someone habit. They thought they had them a flunky someone they could use and get over on. I asked them to stop bugging me, stay off my porch ringing my doorbell. I never would let them in my house, I eventually put up a porch gate to keep them away from my door. They be doing that trying to see if I'm home for they can break in I knew what was going on.

So yeah set this fire, in hopes that I would have to leave my house for they can come in and steal our belongings. I know what was going on. Because that day when it happened before I knew who did of the brothers kept trying to get me to leave my house saying I should not stay there etc the smoke fumes etc. My daugther and grand baby had to leave but I was not leaving and stayed on my porch slept in my old van what have yah until can get the smoky out. The next day after viewing my camera footage I found out it was one of the other brother that set the fire, so they was working together. In 2014 me and another neighbor had electrical fire I was bless my house did not catch fire then just the electrical meter box burnt up...but my neighbor had to leave his house completely. The brothers came to my house at night while I'm still there saying they need to get in and check on was a con, but I did not fall for it...they was trying to get in to steal.

Anyway I'm so tired of can't live in peace in my home. One of the brothers in jail the arsonist. The others are not and one came down here after I found out what they was trying to do I told him to never come down here but he did and I had to call the police. He trying to get money from me, just crazy mess. They on drugs and alcohol and need their fix...and I just want to be left alone. Here my house mess up from these demons and I can't get it fixed no insurance or money for that. The side all burnt up etc.

Please pray for me, the police came out and they told me to go get an order of protection. I was so mad that day I got ignorant and cussing at that man...hate to be like that but I"m human I"m tire I want peace where I live. I bother no one and that is the problem people don't like me because I am not letting t hem over my place or giving to them or up letting them be in my face...I keep my distance and hate too because I care about where I live down here and keeping it clean and free of drugs, crimes stuff and got cameras thanks to my buddy that gave me one. So yeah I'm hated on because I am not in with these demons.

Ok sorry for the long book but need to explain for you can better pray for me and agreement that God will grant me peace and work things out, keep these men away from me...make sure this arsonist one stay in jail...who knows what he may do next if he gets out since I have the video of him going to set the fire. There is still 2 more I have to worry about, not knowing if they want to harm us again, come and try something else may be mad because their brother got caught and blame me, you know what I mean. So please help me pray for me that God and his angels will protect me and my family, our home and our old vans. I hate to live in fear, all I want is peace and to be left alone. Thank you in advance for praying with me. God bless us all!