Larondia Teasley
Larondia Teasley
Oct 3, 2009

Prayer Request

First give an honor to God who is the head of my life. I would first like to say thank you father for blessing me the way that you have. I knocked and your door was open. I didn't see how, when or why but you gave me patience, wisdom, knowledge and faith... Without that I wouldn't have made it thus far. God, I know no one is perfect but you place people in our lives for our reason. Thank you father for not closing the door that I closed. You showed me to look up for whence cometh my help and place my faith in you. Thank you for what you've already done and what you are in the process of doing in our life right now. I say we father because me and my kids are a package deal. Thank you for moving things around like you have. Thank you father for the home; yes home, that you have placed before us to be moving in soon as a family. Thank you for the countiful blessings financially that you have in store. Father thank you for taking me through the trials and tribulations to give me understanding, trust and belief. You are God all by yourself. Now father I ask you for deliverance, patience and strength that when you bring him back this time that we will be stronger than we were before. The devil said we were not going to make it, the devil said that it will never be the same... but God you said you will make our enemies our footstool. Father you said that you would comfort us in the time of need. You have been that father and I just say thank you. Father I pray for families out there that are being torn apart. I pray for the gospel quartet groups out here that are singing for you but not living and believing in your word. I just say thank you. Keep the ones that is fighting for our country in your prayers. Keep the President in your prayers and most of all Keep Christ in your life... Amen