Theresa Ballard
Theresa Ballard
Sep 26, 2019

Good morning Carla,

My heart goes out to you, and all your dealing with at this time.

I lost my dad when I was 6 yrs old, so I didn't go through the loss of him being I'll and then passing.

I lost my mom only a few yrs ago, it was very hard on me because I was out of the state on business when she passed.
I visited her just before I left town, and she didn't know who I was.

It was hard for me, made worse because a good friend of mine since the 7th grade, was with me that day.

My mom had not seen her in years, but mom knew her. Even asked about her mom, and sister, but didn't know me at all.

I know in my heart it wasn't moms fault, but it still hurt.

I'm sorry Carla, I didn't mean to go on about me, when you're asking for prayer for your and your family.

Heavenly Father we come before You this day to first thank You for the many blessing You've bestowed upon us.

Father my sister Carla, is living with some things that are not easy, both of her parents are not doing well health wise.

Her Father's failing health.

The flooding of there home.

Her mom not doing well, health wise,

Finding a long term place for her mom.

An opening in a good place where she will get the care she needs.

Father, Carla has her hands full, her needs are many, and she can't do it alone.

Father please, wrap her in Your loving arms.

Give her the strength she needs.

As well as rest for her body, peace in her heart.

Father You know what is before her, and Only You can give her what she needs.

Father we come before You, and humble ask for.

Prayers being answered, for Strength, Peace, Understanding be hers, may Your will be done.

We ask all of this in Your Name, and in Jesus Name we pray,


Theresa Ballard
Sep 19, 2019

Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You is day heavy in my heart.

After reading the request for prayers from post left on here.

It saddens my heart to read that some of them are so full of pain, anguish, despair.

With thoughts of wanting to go to sleep and never wake up again, for there lives to be over.

Father I do not know any of them, or there situations.

I do know a dry for help when I hear one, of being so overwhelmed by the day to day struggles.

Either from Health issues, continued day to day being in pain,which as You know Father, I am all to familiar with this struggle.

Of the never ending financial problems that seem to go on forever.

You get paid, and before you can even think about treating yourself to anything your completely broke again.

There never seems to be enough to go around, someone always wants more then you have.

It feels like your being strangled to death, it's so intense you don't know how your going to take your next breath, or if you want to!

Father You know my story, my situation, my day to day struggles, and I'm so greatful for Your always being there to give me the comfort I need, as well as keeping me from being locked out Of my apartment.

Please Father reach down and put your arms around all if those on here as well as those who are not.

That are struggleing like myself and others out there who are not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I know that no matter how bad things have been, You have always been there with what ever is needed.

Father please help them to not give up, to be strong, to keep the faith, to know that You are with them in all of there struggles, fears, heart aches, and heart breaks.

Father I give all the glory, all that ive accomplished, gotten through, all that I have to You.

Thank you Father, please put the same peace to each of those asking for help as well as those who ask for it only in there private prayers to You.

Thank You Father I ask all of this in Your Name, and in Your Precious Son Jesus Name I give thanks and pray


God Bless all of you goodnight