Rhonda Watkins
Rhonda Watkins
Mar 8, 2014

Prayer Request

I am asking that everyone please pray for me as Tuesday we go to court for our divorce. We have been married for 28 years and his mother has destroyed our marriage. she has turned him against me. I do not understand what has happened to him but I believe that God has a plan for me. I am hurt but I also know that the things he has done to me i have not deserved. I gave that man 28 years of my life and he is willing to throw it all away to keep her happy something i will never understand. They did not even speak for 15 years. I thought that God was telling me to keep fighting to restore our marriage but i am not sure. I have surrendered it to God to do as he sees fit. I just pray that the Judge sees fit to give me what I deserve and if it is gods will to end this marriage and help me go on with my life and all the blessings he has in store for me. I just pray for the truth to be revealed in court so that the judge can see that i do not deserve what he is trying to do to me. Please join me in praying for protection during this court hearing and that I get the opportunity to speak and tell the judge the truth and that he and his lawyer do not try and play dirty tricks which they have already tried to do unsuccessfully. They tried to hide the court hearing from me and mail my notice to the wrong address but God opened my eyes and I found out about it in time. Thank you for your prayers God bless you all. please keep praying for restoration of marriages for all those that are fighting the devil and trying to keep him from destroying familes and marriages.