Sabrina Crouch
Sabrina Crouch
Sep 2, 2021

Prayer Request

I have no doubt' my Father God is watching over me. I have had many incidents that are not coincidences. I was literally given exactly what i needed and i was not even praying for help. I Was just thinking off the top of my head and probably wasn't even paying attention to myself.
Anyway, i just want to know what is my gift. What talent do i have that could help others. I do not even apply" common sense " to situations or learn from my mistakes. I swear lord, you have seen me make ignorant mistakes that caused me to get into bad situations. I am still fighting monsters that i should have been free from a long time ago. Why God do i feel like a real life dumb blonde. I want to change my life but i cannot even take the first step that will take me forward. You know the answers God and you know i have a good heart. I want to make a difference in this world. I want to be someone that is remembered for good things. Tell me about myself because as far as i know im not really talented or gifted with anything. The only thing i do well is get myself into trouble for stupid reasons.
God save me from myself. I self sabatoge. I get in my own way. Im asking you Father to help me build the courage i need to do what is right and to be comfortable with myself. Right now i am not practicing self-care or self- love. I lack self confidence and avoid confrontation. I live in fear everyday, or so it seems. I just want to feel safe and secure. Im not even close at this point